There are two new paper patterns in the shop!
It is equal parts exciting and nerve wracking when I get the copies of my paper patterns from the printer. Even though I pour over the drafts multiple times I am always worried there is going to be some glaring mistake and then I will have a huge box of really expensive scrap paper. Thankfully when the copies came back from the printer for Montlake and Wedgwood everything was correct, or at least no mistakes I can find right now.
I changed the design on the envelopes slightly and I love the new look. Basically just bigger logo and bold pattern information. I will be transitioning all of my patterns to this new look as I work my through my current inventory.
Inside the pattern booklets have a couple changes as well. I have added page numbers to make it easier when moving through the pattern. The page numbers make it easier for patterns such as Wedgwood that has optional steps so you know which page to skip forward to if you choose not to add that feature. I also changed the thickness of the lines in the line drawings to make the pictures more clear.
The one thing that hasn’t changed is the pictures through out the pattern booklet showing the garment on an actual body, because sometimes line drawings are just not enough.
I am so happy to finally have these patterns in the shop. I have marked down both patterns 20% but it is for 1 day only so head over to the shop and grab your paper copy of Montlake and Wedgwood.