Random Guy in a Hostel

You never know how one moment can change your life forever. I dont normally share this type of thing on the blog but I couldn t let this day pass without some mention, because everything I am today comes from that moment.

10 years ago I was a carefree 22 year old living and working in Cairo Egypt.  Teaching english by day and hanging out with new friends by night.

As part of the program I was there with we planned to spend Christmas in Bethlehem and then a few of us were going to continue onto Jerusalem for a few days.  After settling into our hostel the three of us asked two guys also staying at thehostel if they wanted to join us for drinks at a local bar.   This guy was one of the two who joined us.


The next morning while eating breakfast I mentioned to Sean that if he decided to change his plans and head to Egypt he should email me and I would show him around.  We went our seperate ways never expecting to hear from him, this was before the days of Facebook.

I must have been totally irresistible because only a few days later I got an email that he was heading to town and wanted to meet up.  I like to tell myself that it was love at first sight and he couldn’t live without seeing me again, Sean may disagree with that one. 


This was the start of a whirlwind week and a half where we traveled throughout Egypt and Turkey together.   Looking back I am shocked someone didn’t talk me out of traveling with a strange man I had just met.  I think I just saw deep down I could trust him.   Or I was just young and stupid and lucky he didn’t kill me 🙂

This chance meeting in a hostel half way around the world from where we both lived has lead to years of travel together, marriage and two kids.



I am so thankful that 10 years ago today Sean said yes to joining us for drinks.   Although marriage and parenting is never easy I am glad to have this guy there to help me.


  1. jaimesews says:

    So fun! I spent a few weeks in Israel, which was supposed to be a semester, but it was September 2001…you know, the actual date of 9/11. So we came home a few months early on the soonest flight they had. So sad. I loved it there. Cute story & Congrats!!

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