How did last week go? Did you create a cleaning checklist and try to implement them into your daily life? I managed to integrate a few of the things into my daily schedule like unloading the dishwasher and making the beds and found that the rest of my day felt much less hectic when I did these things. It seems more realistic for me to slowly make the changes than to go all gung ho and try and completely change how I do things. But so far I am happy with these additions to my day.
Author: admin
Cricket Dress – Brownie Goose Designs
Amy of Brownie Goose Designs has released a new dress pattern, Cricket and I was lucky enough to test this amazing pattern. I have been a big fan of hers for awhile and was so excited to participate in the testing of this dress. Because Sophie is such a skinny mini I decided to test the 18 month so that it would fit her in the bodice but would end up more a tunic length.
Paperback Writer Cardigan – Shwin Designs
One of the things that I am going to focus on this year is sewing through my stash both my fabric stash and my pattern stash. Over the last year I have amassed a huge collection of pdf patterns yet I find myself making the same patterns over and over again. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I absolutely love some of my patterns but it is also fun to stretch your skills and try something new.
Get Organized – Cleaning
Every new year I make the decision to get more organized in all areas of my life from cooking and cleaning to household management and decluttering. Nearly every year something happens around the middle of January that throws me off and I lose focus. Then December rolls around and I find myself re-energized to make the change. So this year I thought I would use all of you to help keep me motivated to make the changes for life to run more smoothly.
Handmade Holidays – Sensory Activities
I absolutely love the idea of Handmade Holidays. It gives me a chance to be creative but also to give a gift to those people special to me that I spent time and energy working on just for them. Gifts from the store are just not the same for me, so why not do what makes me happy.
Pumpkin Coconut Pie
Am I on the only person who gets downright giddy when it comes to Thanksgiving? It is hands down by far my favourite holiday all year. It is all the things I love about Christmas like spending time with the ones you love and eating lots of great food without all the stress of gifts. I am one lucky ducky though because I actually get two thanksgivings a year, since 3/4 of the Payne family is Canadian we also celebrate Thanksgiving in October as well.
Gallery Wall Love
Decorating a large space can be overwhelming and finding the right balance of furniture and accents on the wall I find to be the trickiest part. Those things plus a lack of knowing what my ‘style’ is caused us to live in our house for over a year before anything major was put onto the walls. In my defence we were coming from a very small apartment so what works in 500 sq ft doesn’t always translate well to 1500 sq ft.
Boy’s Sewing Week
Kids Clothes Week was a really great experience for me, it gave me a chance to stretch my skills, while also making clothes for my kids and trying patterns I have been putting off for months. I thought I would take the idea of kids clothes week and challenge myself to do a Boy’s Sewing Week since most of the clothes I usually sew are for my daughter. There is no shortage of super cute boys patterns out there it’s just a matter of narrowing down to what is reasonable in a week while also still handling my day job of being a mom.
Hospital Gown to Comfortable Shirt
Sometimes you when you are combing the racks of your local thrift store you pick an item simply for the fabric. You don’t even pay attention to what the item actually is but the fabric catches your attention and you know you will find a way to make that item into something wearable.
Enter what I can only guess was once a hospital gown, quite a fancy fabric for a hospital gown but based on the shape and the pocket that is what it must have been.
Countdown to Gift Guide – Paper Goods
I am back for another instalment of our Countdown to the Gift Guide. Yesterday I wrote about my new love of creating children’s clothes and how I never though I would have gone in that direction when starting the business. Go check out yesterday’s post for a full rundown on the children’s clothes in my shop.
Today I am going to talk about the Paper Goods that I design.